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Bathroom Renovation Tips – What You Need to Know

One of the most common places people like to renovate and update is the bathroom. It also has the added bonus of being something that can add value to your home too. When you are planning such a project as well as making choices about its looks and contents you will also need to find expert and professional plumbers Perth based.

Putting in a Second Bathroom

Often people want to put in a second bathroom in their home. Having only one bathroom when you are a family or even when you have guests often is annoying having to share! If you are trying to sell and your home has just one bathroom that can make it harder and less valuable. Having another bathroom improves its livability and its value. Often the new bathroom is put up into the master bedroom to give people an en-suite. You can use that bathroom and children and guests can use the original one. Get some privacy and avoid queues in the morning!

But that does not mean when you have a plumber for bathroom renovation that you take away one of your bedrooms to create it. Turning a three-bedroom house into a two-bedroom house is not the best solution. Talk to an expert on how to achieve it with the space you have or with an addition perhaps.

So many styles and designs to consider

When you are looking at the design, colours and style of your bathroom consider whether you are going to move soon. If you do intend to re-sell in the next five years, try to keep the bathroom more neutral with clean lines so that it better appeals to viewers. If you are likely going to be in the home for at least another ten years and are likely going to do another renovation before you ever need to leave, then you can add more personal touches and be more individual if that is your preference. Some kind of tiled or stone flooring will add more value as carpets and laminate needs to be cleaned and wood might get water damage.

Plumbing options

Of course, the important features in your new bathroom are the plumbing features you choose. Get a new and more modern toilet plumbers Perth can install. Are you having a shower and a tub or just one or the other? Could you stretch your budget to one of those fancy showers or a jet bath? A bit of luxury in your bathroom adds value and gives you somewhere you enjoy being and can relax in or rejuvenate yourself. There are some great plumbing options out there and even if you are on a budget, a bit of shopping around can reveal some hidden bargains.


Find a qualified and reputable plumber for bathroom renovation projects and you can better ensure everything is done properly and to a high standard. Try to choose a theme that suits the rest of the home and keep your bathroom functional but beautiful.

Originally posted 2020-11-20 04:49:19.

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