Home Lifestyle Food Seven Foods That Can Help Combat UTI

Seven Foods That Can Help Combat UTI


Several women have experienced a UTI at least once in their lifetime. Even men can get a UTI infection, but it is certainly more prevalent in women. Some of the general UTI symptoms include – burning sensation while peeing, abdominal pain, feeling of excessive pressure on the abdomen, and a persistent urge to pee.

If not treated in time, UTI can be both painful and annoying. So, if ever you experience UTI symptoms, you must instantly visit your gynecologist and communicate the same to them. Of course, the sooner you start your antibiotic treatment, the better it will be.

However, in addition to the antibiotics, there is an array of dietary changes that can come in handy. So, what are some of the foods you must add to your diet to keep UTI at bay?

Let us take a look at a few such foods one by one. 


Even though research is still insufficient on this, it is still believed that berries, such as raspberries, blueberries, and cranberries, are incredibly effective in keeping UTI infection at bay. This is because berries have proanthocyanidin in them, which helps keep bacterial infection at bay by preventing it from sticking onto the urinary tract’s lining. 

‘To keep UTI infections at bay, I consume a good amount of berries every day in the form of smoothies. I tend to have berries in my home all around the year. I buy them in buy and freeze them for the months where supply is short,’ shares Hannah, an online educator who offers microeconomics homework help services. 


Cinnamon is hugely popular for its anti-bacterial properties. It is a rich source of compounds, which can lower inflammation in the body. Further, cinnamon also does a fantastic job at curtailing bacteria growth, along with the growth of other pathogens. Some studies suggest that cinnamon has compounds in them, which do not let the colonization of E. coli.

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If you may know, E. coli is the predominant UTI cause in the urethra and the bladder. It is an anti-inflammatory ingredient. When you are already suffering from a UTI infection, consumption of cinnamon in your tea or food, or even raw (cinnamon stick), can lower the pain or discomfort inflicted by UTI.

You can take some cinnamon sticks, cardamom pods, sliced ginger, and vanilla bean in a pot full of water. Let it simmer for about 10 minutes. Now strain it. Your caffeine-free cinnamon tea is ready. 


‘Adding cultured dairy products, such as yogurt, which is fermented with good bacteria, to your diet can certainly help lower the risk of UTI infections. Experts believe that yogurt alone can reduce your risk by eighty percent.

However, when you go yogurt shopping, always check the labels, and only pick the ones that state – contains active and live culture,’ comments Zara, an online educator who offers excel homework help services. 

Typically, yogurt has active cultures and good bacteria, which can help prevent certain kinds of infections. It also strengthens the body’s immune system. Essentially, yogurt happens to be one of the best ingredients to keep your gut in a healthy condition.  

If your child does not like eating yogurt, you can give them yogurt popsicles. These can be extremely healthy and delicious treats, which kids will enjoy. The good thing is freezing yogurt does not kill a significant degree of active cultures in the yogurt.

As a matter of fact, when you freeze the yogurt, the cultures get into the dormant stage. However, when you eat them, they enter a normal temperature within the body, providing the same benefit and protection to your gut. 

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Garlic is a popular home remedy for a variety of health disorders, but did you know that it can also help cure UTI infections? Garlic has active compounds in it, which can help kill bacteria, including those responsible for UTI. 

A lot of you may not like chewing garlic cloves, so what you can do is make a cup of garlic tea and drink it warm. You can peel a few fresh garlic cloves, and mash them, and immerse them in warm water. Before you drink the mixture, allow the cloves too steep for about five to seven minutes. It may not be the most appetizing, but the kind of positive impact it has on your urinary tract is commendable. 

Increase your fluid consumption

‘The hydration levels of your body too can aggravate or diminish your likelihood of developing a UTI,’ comments Becca, an educator who offers assignment help Melbourne services. 

Well, that’s correct because if you are properly hydrated, you will pee a lot. This will ensure that the bacteria are flushed out from your body. In addition, it is an excellent way to keep infections at bay. 

Doctors associate low urine output to a high UTI risk. Thus, it is vital to keep yourself hydrated. To meet your body’s requirements, you can drink more than just water. Some of the fluids you can add to your diet are fresh fruit juices, green teas, and herbal teas. Your daily water consumption should be between two three liters. 

Vitamin C

Lemons, oranges, green leafy vegetables, and strawberries are rich Vitamin C sources that help prevent the bacteria from growing. Further, Vitamin C also aids in healing and cutting wounds. It further strengthens the immunity and keeps your gums healthy. Vitamin C also does a fantastic job at keeping infections, such as UTI, at bay.

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Also, Vitamin C aids in iron absorption from food sources. One of the best tips to pick Vitamin-C-rich foods is by selecting the foods and vegetables that are brightly colored. Vitamin C is water-soluble. So, whatever is extra will be wiped off from the body via urine. 


Not consuming adequate fiber in your diet can make your bowel movements irregular. This adds to the pressure on the urinary tract and curtails the urine flow, thereby making the bacteria grow further.

Thus, it is vital to consume a fiber-rich diet, along with a good water quantity. This aids in digestion and also regularizes your bowel movement.

Unfortunately, fiber won’t work if you do not supplement it with water. Some of the vital fiber sources that you can add to your diet are bananas, apples, whole grains, and legumes, such as lentils and dried beans.

Originally posted 2021-06-28 16:35:28.