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What are some DIY tips for lawn maintenance as a beginner?

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The first step in caring for your lawn is to learn to make a schedule for your regular maintenance. You need to consider the different seasons to care for your lawn properly. Create a seasonal checklist and follow it religiously to keep your lawn well maintained. Ensure that you remove all yard items, including discarded furniture and yard tools, as these can promote mould and kill your grass. Furthermore, these items impede your grass’s proper intake of water, air, and nutrients.

Make sure you set the blades as high as possible before starting.

It is important because lawn plants need sunlight to produce food. Besides that, improper air circulation also encourages fungal diseases, weakening grass plants and inviting weed invasion. Afterwards, you can lower or raise the height. Ultimately, this is the most important DIY lawn maintenance tip for beginners.

Before mowing your lawn, wait until the grass has grown a little bit. Doing so helps it survive the winter months. If you cut the grass too short, it is prone to fungal diseases. Cutting it too short also curtails the growth of roots, which makes the grass susceptible to cold weather in winter. It is advisable to cut the lawn to about two inches tall so as not to look overgrown.

Use natural weed killers or hire professionals.

If you’re a beginner, remember that you can still do many lawn care tasks yourself. For instance, weed control is a crucial component of good lawn health. To tackle weeds, you can use natural weed killers or hire professionals. Also, try to keep the lawn dry to prevent overwatering. This way, you can easily prepare your lawn for spring and summer with minimum effort.

Use a spading fork and make small holes in the soil.

If you have a small lawn, you can use a spading fork and make small holes in the soil. This method will loosen the soil and allow the roots to breathe. Aeration can also help prevent compacted soil from blocking water and nutrients. Aeration is an important lawn care process and should be done regularly. Aeration can also be done by a professional like Yard Dawgs Edmonton, but this method requires more physical labor.

Getting rid of leaves is another essential part of lawn care. 

Leaves and debris clinging to grass will create a moist environment for harmful pests. Also, excessive use of fertilizer can damage the grass and pollute the local waterways. It is also important to keep the lawn clean during the winter months. If you do not get rid of the leaves, they can be used as mulch.

Make sure you rake the leaves before winter to prevent bare patches and wet spots. 

Winter is a harsh season for your lawn. If you live in an area where winter lasts all year long, it is best to plan for your winter yard work. Make sure you rake the leaves before winter to prevent bare patches and wet spots. Make sure your family members respect the lawn during its dormant period. Don’t park your car on it as it will kill the grasses and invite weeds.

Check for common pests on your lawn.

During summer, you should check for common pests on your lawn. Some of these pests include grubs and sod webworms, and these creatures cause significant damage to your lawn if they go unchecked. If you notice unusual feeding activity levels, it is probably time to call in a lawn care service. Several insects can infect your lawn, so it is best to get some professional advice as soon as possible.

Use a screwdriver to check the moisture level by pushing it in. 

Water your lawn deeply once or twice a week during the dry season. It would help if you aimed to reach six to eight inches of soil in this time. Use a screwdriver to check the moisture level by pushing it in. The best time to water is early in the morning to avoid the sun drying out the soil. Avoid watering your lawn on rainy days and in areas that receive regular rainfall.

Identify and remove any thatch.

Thatch is an accumulation of dead plant matter between the grass blades and roots. A little bit of thatch is healthy, but too much is not. Dethatching your lawn with a rake or a power dethatcher is essential if your lawn has more than 3/4 inches of thatch. The process of dethatching your lawn will improve the health of the soil beneath.

Originally posted 2022-04-12 11:08:21.

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